Java Lactic Natural Riunggunung Estate

Riunggunung Estate is located within the Pangalengan district, just south of the major West Java city of Bandung. This district is integral to the indonesian tea industry as well as dairy farming, and is a growing tourist market, the latter growing out of the natural beauty of their lakes, hot springs, and waterfalls.


The estate is a 10 hectare farm with 9 dedicated solely to 40,000 coffee trees, with the final hectare growing eucalyptus & pine trees. This particular lot was harvested from June - August of 2020, coming from the highest elevation section of the farm which produces the most nuanced flavor profiles. However these flavors are tempered by an increased danger to the crop as the higher elevation increases the chance of frost during the colder evenings which will devastate production. 


The coffee cherry is picked and foreign material is washed from its surface before being placed in a tank or plastic bag, at which point lactobacillus (a bacteria often found in yogurt and dietary supplement, as well as our own digestive tract!) is introduced and the vessel is closed. This anaerobic fermentation process takes place over 48 hours before the coffee is moved to dry on raised beds for 18-21 days.


With this Java we are picking up a winey berry and rose flavors with a lovely tart acidity and smooth chocolate aftertaste.

Some questions answered from the farmer

How did you come into growing coffee?

 We live in mountains with lots of sloping land that is prone to erosion, coffee plants grow well in the highlands and coffee plants that are able to withstand erosion. 

What is a day in your life like?

Each day starts at around 5 am, have breakfast accompanied by coffee, and enjoy the morning with a walk with your grandchildren. At 6 o'clock, get ready for the farm/warehouse. If it's not the harvest season, go to the garden to collect, fertilize, clean the weeds, and so on. During the harvest season, several days work in the office and warehouse, several days work for employees who harvest and serve the process at the washing station in their own garden, and traveling to the partner's garden and washing station. Afternoon to the warehouse to see the process of receiving goods at the warehouse. If it's not harvesting, at 3 o'clock go home and play with grandchildren.

Where does your passion come from?

From childhood, he was happy with plants and nature

What makes this green crop different from others that you have harvested?

 So far I have planted horticulture, there is cooperation, there is conservation technique, there is empowerment and it is sold to factories or supermarkets, coffee is more like a nursery there are farmers who will plant, the story is longer there is a roastery, there is a cafe, etc.

Are you looking to grow relationships with people long-term to buy from you?

Yes, of course, like connecting between roaster and farmer groups to produce coffee with a specific process, etc.

What makes your coffee different from others?

 We coffee develop with long-term partnerships, innovation and consistency

This last part is up to you, what would you like to share with the people who drink your coffee and feel free to share whatever you would like to tell people we don’t edit any of your answers. We are a platform for you to reach everyone!?

I want to explain that Frinsa is an abbreviation of my children's names Fikri, RIfda, Nadia, SAlsa. I take care of coffee like taking care of my four children, with love. so that I can produce coffee with heart and love.

Region: Indonesia

Farm: Riunggunung Estate

Elevation: 1600-1650masl

Varietal(s): Timtim, Borbor, Lini S, Cattura P88, Andungsari, Sigararutang

Process: Natural lactic Anaerobic with lactobacillus

FOB:  $3.68/lb - $8.11/K

Our Cost: $5.11/lb - $12.26/K


Luz Helena Salazar - Castillo ef2